Past Life Regression Therapy

Past Life Regression Therapy is an incredibly helpful and powerful way to connect with your superconscious mind (eternal mindstream). Your superconscious mind, is the registry or filing cabinet of all the lifetimes you have lived. The superconscious mind or is in charge of your subconscious mind, which is in turn in charge of our conscious mind. 

In order to make changes in our life, we need to override our super protective "ego" and subconscious mind, which is designed to protect us at all costs. So we may do affirmations or take conscious action to change an aspect of our life, but if our subconscious or superconscious mind does not want us to, because of a past emotion or belief, it will sabotague our desire to change.

Going into hypnosis with present life regression is the most effective way to change the sub conscious mind and is an important first step in any process.

HOWEVER, the superconscious mind is the BOSS of the Subconscious mind. Thus it will override it if it has an emotion or experience which says "STOP- We've faced this situtation before and we experienced a horrible result. We refuse to let you experience this again."

So past life regression is a powerful way to say to the superconscious mind "Ok mate, we're facing  xxtxx in our life, please go to the root cause lifetime, so that we can take a look at what happened, see what our emotional situation was, what happened, and as a result what vows and limiting beliefs exists. We'd like to heal any root cause situation, so that we can gain PERSPECTIVE, and understand our KARMA and role in the situation. We don't want to be held back by this anymore!"

This can be applied to just about anything that you think- I am consciously trying to change or improve or understand this area of my life, and despite all the {Insert whatever you've tried}, nothing has changed, and I feel like I am going around in circles! This is so frustrating!

Commonly people do Past Life Regression for answers in relation to: 

  1. Romantic Relationships
  2. Career Issues
  3. Family relationships
  4. Money and financial abundance 
  5. Overpowering emotions- eg anxiety, overwhelm, regret, guilt, fear (any emotion really)
  6. Allergies, phobias

Book your Past Life Regression Therapy Session with Katische below:

Step 1: Fill in the "Past Life Regression Therapy Intake Form". Email it to

Step 2: Katische will send you an email to schedule an initial free call to determine if Past Life Regression Therapy is appropriate.

Step 3: Initial Free Call

Step 4: Katische will confirm acceptance then use the link below to pay for the program of sessions and her make the bookings on her Calendly calendar.

Case Studies:

What You’ll learn in the following videos:

  • When we can see a balanced perspective of a situation, we can see our role, and the role that other people played in the outcome. This can help us see cause and effect and importantly help us stop being a victim, and blaming others for the results in our life.
  • We can see that even in our worst moments, there is a spirit guide, or guardian Angel or Archangel there protecting us from the full extent of our trauma. 
  • We can see repeating patterns- sometimes we have a soul contract that was agreed upon before we incarnated to play a certain "role" in a person's life. So in one lifetime we take on a "positive" role and in the next the "negative" role. Why would we do this? For soul growth and understanding, and also because if we do not learn our lesson, we repeat it. That's why past life regression is so important, because we HEAL the lessons and therefore do not have to repeat them again.
  • At the time of death it is common for the subconscious or conscious mind to say "I will never"... or "I vow to" .... Sometimes we say "eternally" which means the belief or the vow is now applied to every single lifetime until it is healed or revoked.
  • Please note that the following case studies were recorded with permission and were for the Infinite Life with Katische Haberfield Podcast.

PAst Life Regression: Romance

Read the blog

Past Life Regression Laura.

Read the blog

Past Life REgression Katie.

Read the blog

Past Life Regression Julie.

Read the blog

Past Life Regression Romance: Candy.

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Past Life Regression Myles.

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Past Life Regression Susan.

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Past Life Regression Diane.

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Past life Regression Vivian.

read the blog

past life regression maggie.

read the blog

Past Life Regression Laura 2

read the blog

PAst Life Regression Trudy.

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